The Nature of Intelligence in Man and Machine — a series
This is the first introductory post in a series on human intelligence vs AI.
At the time of writing this in January 2024, artificial intelligence has never been more topical. Large language models, chatbots, productivity, automation, job redundancies, misinformation and social manipulation… these are just some of the AI-related subjects that are frequently brought up during any conversation about business or society. The AI hype may die down in the future, or it may not, but the content of this series will remain relevant because it tries to take a peek behind the veil at the fundamental nature of the beast.
I have long been curious about how artificial intelligence works, i.e. how it ‘thinks’, and what it is capable of ‘solving’. This curiosity first began from observing the syntactic and structural similarities between programming and our natural languages. The symbolic logic at the heart of computer programs, which is used to represent information and logical flows, mirrors the same frameworks through which humans think, reason, and represent knowledge. I got interested in what this meant for AI. Is this how we could create ‘reasoning machines’, by using symbolic logic to represent a set of rules and information about the world? But what if we wanted these machines to reason things out without providing them a set of directions to follow? How do humans reason through a problem when they don’t already know the rules to solve it?
I have actively explored these questions over the past few months, and have decided to write a series of posts outlining the ideas and insights that emerged. These questions lay somewhere at the intersection of computer science, philosophy, cognitive science, and psychology, and I have drawn upon all those fields in trying to arrive at some answers. As I learned more about these concepts, I realized that my starting hypothesis had been backwards. AI and natural intelligence, though related, are conceptually distinct from one another. We can still look for comparisons and synergies between the two, but first it is essential to clearly define what each one is. That’s why my next post will discuss what actually constitutes ‘AI’.
Here is the entire sequence of topics that I’ll be covering, in order:
- #1 What constitutes artificial intelligence, and how do we build it (now posted)
- #2 What is natural intelligence, and how does it work (now posted)
- #3 Natural intelligence vs AI: The act of reasoning (now posted)
- #4 Neural networks: A human-inspired metaphor (now posted)
- #5 Big Data, and how it powers ‘intelligence’
(this will be a spicy topic spanning information theory, entropy, and evolution, and will contain some of my more ambitious ideas) (now posted) - #6 Looking ahead: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), sentience, consciousness, super-intelligence
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